The Kindness Foundation of Canada
Nadine Marshall Scholarship
This scholarship has been established to honour the initiative, commitment, enthusiasm and example of Nadine Marshall, co-founder of The KindActs Association of B.C., recently renamed The Kindness Foundation of Canada. Nadine’s unwavering belief in the power of kindness as an agent for positive change in our world has sustained her and allowed her ideas to develop into programs and KindActs to grow and evolve. Most importantly this belief, embodied in her daily walk through life, is a powerful example, and source of motivation for all that have had the pleasure to know her.
Criteria for the Scholarship:
The intention of this fund is to recognize exceptional high school graduating students, inspired by the vision of a kinder world and committed to making a difference, with a scholarship to assist them in furthering their education.
It is our hope that the recognition of our recipient(s) important work will inspire them to continue to be involved in similar initiatives through their post-secondary years and into adult life.
Recipient Profile:
- You are inspired by the vision of a kinder world and have the character and commitment to undertake wholeheartedly a project that will create positive impact in the community, locally or globally.
- You have demonstrated your commitment to positive action, contribution or raising awareness in past activities.
- You inspire others, not only through your actions, but by being who you are.
- You are compassionate, aware, wise, open-minded, imaginative, and creative or innovative.
- You understand the value of education, recognizing that a well rounded person embraces learning opportunities inside and outside of school.
- You personally strive for excellence, but maintain a healthy greater perspective in your pursuit of it that allows you to experience life and its joys.
The scholarship Award:
Scholarship: The recipient will receive a scholarship of $1000.00 to assist in their post-secondary education.
Application Process and Deadlines:
Applications should be post marked on or before April, 17, 2015.
Applications should include information about past and current involvement in Kindness initiatives (social responsibility). If they were group initiatives please outline your specific responsibilities and contributions to the project. Include information about the success of the projects as part of the submissions. Please include information about your motivation, challenges that you may have encountered, and the impact that you are making or hope to make.
Please include a copy of your second term, grade 12 report.
Click here to download the scholarship application form.
Send completed applications to:
Attn: Mike McEwan
David Lloyd George Elementary School
8370 Cartier Street
Vancouver BC V6B 4T8