This scholarship has been established to honour Della Paul’s belief in the power of kindness. Della worked for many years with handicapped students as a Teacher’s Aide. She thought that kindness was one of the most important attributes a person could have. Kindness makes the day better for most people but for some, it simply makes the day tolerable. A kind act has value for both the recipient and the giver and its true effect may never truly be known. For some a simple kindness extended may be a game changer or a life saver. Kindness is essential for us to thrive and find our place in life.
It is our hope that the recipient of this scholarship will be encouraged to continue and grow their personal commitment to kindness. It is also hoped that it will enhance the profile of kindness in the hearts and minds of all graduates and within the PW community.
Criteria for the Scholarship
The intention of this scholarship is to find and acknowledge the one person in your graduation class that exemplifies kindness in their daily walk. We are looking for the person who has contributed the most in creating a kind, compassionate and accepting culture here at Prince of Wales Secondary. This is the person whose daily interactions with friends, classmates, other students and staff are a mirror that reflects an unselfish nature and a commitment to make a difference in the lives of others through kind, thoughtful, respectful, positive interactions. This person is an example of the best qualities that the human condition has to offer.
Recipient Profile
- An individual who consistently seizes the opportunity to extend kindness to others around them
- An individual whose kindness is rooted in their value and respect of others
- An individual whose kindness to others is truly a gift freely given
- An individual whose kind spirit is a beacon of example to others
- An individual who enhances the profile of kindness within the school community and culture
- Although the recipient doesn’t have to be on the honour roll they do have to be seen by the staff as a student who applies themselves consistently and responsibly in pursuit of their academic potential
Award Process
- This scholarship is only available to members of the Prince of Wales graduating class of 2015-2016.
- All applications must be signed and submitted to Mr. Derpak by 3:30 pm Friday, March 11, 2016.
- The adjudication committee will be made up of teachers and administrators to ensure that the recipient meets the criteria. If, in the determination of the adjudication committee, there is no significant match to the criteria among the five nominees no scholarship will be awarded.
The Scholarship Award
The recipient will receive a scholarship of $1,000.00 to assist in their post-secondary education.