Why Kindness at School?
Is your school environment a place all students look forward to coming to?
It can be!
Infuse positivity by incorporating the teaching of kindness values into your lesson plans.
Create a safe and positive learning environment that allows all students to feel important, valued, appreciated and heard.
Inspire students to be their best.
Why Kindness at School Toolkits?
We believe schools play a critical role in the social and emotional development of students.
The Kindness at School Toolkits provide a structured approach to supporting and nurturing this development.
Teach the values of Courage, Compassion, Generosity, Gratitude, Inclusion, Integrity, Optimism, Respect, and Self-Awareness in a fun and effective way.
• How would your students define compassion?
• Do they understand the ripple effect of compassion in action?
• Would your student be able to define the qualities of courage?
• Do you support your students to overcome their fears and obstacles?
• If asked, would your students be able to explain the concept of giving and generosity?
• Would they know that generosity is about the giving of time, energy and talent?
• If asked, would your students be able to explain the concepts of gratitude and appreciation?
• Do your students have an “attitude of gratitude”?
• How would your students define inclusion?
• Do your students value and honor all opinions, even when they don’t agree with them?
• If one of your students found a wallet with money in it, what do you think they would do?
• Would your students be able to tell you why integrity is important?
• Do your students have positive attitudes that others enjoy?
• Do your students feel empowered with positive choices in all situations at school?
• Do your students exhibit politeness by remembering to say “please and thank-you”?
• Do your students refrain from name calling, bullying, or using insulting language to harm others in person or on social media?
• Do believe your students live by the Golden Rule : treat others as we wish to be treated
• Can your students name the four basic human emotions? (sad, mad, glad, scared)
• Do your students understand the impact their emotions have on their classmates?
Inspire students to be their best.
This is a bundle that includes all 9 Kindness at School Toolkits!