“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive. Try Some!”

News Release: Our Kindness Counts program is now in Uganda!

The Kindness Foundation of Canada in collaboration with The Tekera Foundation has introduced the Kindness Counts @ School Curriculum to the students at the Tekera Primary School in Uganda.

Brenda Casey, President of the Tekera Foundation, took our Kindness Counts program, simplified some of the English and sent it off to the teachers at the school.  The teachers began using it right away and commented that they saw an almost immediate, positive change in the students’ behaviour as they began to be more mindful of being kind to each other. 

As a thank you they have sent pictures of the students.  Look closely and you will see them wearing the Kindness Bracelets that we sent along with the Curriculum. 

The Tekera Foundation’s mission is to operate culturally specific, community driven programs that promote high quality healthcare, primary and vocational educationagriculture support and co-operative farming, and socio-cultural economic development / micro-finance in Uganda. 

 They currently support the Tekera Resource Centre (TRC) and its surrounding community of 18,000+ residents.

 Tekera Foundation has been working with TRC for over 10 years and have together built:

  • A nationally ranked primary school for over 300+ students
  • A high-quality full-service medical clinic improving health outcomes for thousands of residents
  • A vocational training program where students can learn vital professional trades skills from tailoring to computers
  • A demonstration farm, co-operative farm, and commercial farm – helping in agricultural education, climate change mitigation, and providing food sovereignty 
  • Finance interventions, like community savings groups, economic development initiatives and income generation initiatives
  • Small businesses whose revenue cycles back into funding each department with the hopes of making TRC self-sustainable 

You can find more information on their website.